Sunday, December 31, 2006

Coyote's den

First post!
Welcome to Coyote's Den. I've finally decided to take some time and actually begin a blog. It is so easy these days that anyone can do it. I've been filling my brain with lots of new material for the past few years but I haven't taken the time to write it down the way that I did in college. I haven't kept a journal in years and even the long missives that I used to write to friends have basically ended. I feel like the discipline of taking the time to write stuff down will be beneficial to me even if I really don't have an audience. This discipline will be further moderated by the fact that I know that at some point in the future, I may have an audience. Someone down the road may actually look at what I write and use it to make judgements about me. So I doubt that this will ever be as intimate as the writing that I did for myself or for friends.

I'm really not sure the direction that this blog will take but if it is anything like what my journal was like a few years ago, then I think that it will be an honest representation of what I'm thinking about. So some of the topics that are likely to come up are:
  1. Coyotes and the trickster mentality
  2. Triathlon training
  3. Surviving the coming apocolypse
  4. Militant athiesm
  5. The environment/global warming

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